by Edward Foerstel
(St. Thomas, VI, USA)
I own STC # SA1124EA and would like to transfer the ownership of the STC. What are the proper procedures to do so? I have misplaced the ownership papers during a couple of house moves. Any help would be appreciated.
ANSWER: The transfer procedures are similar to that of a Type Certificate. You need to submit a written notification to the FAA Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) of your intentions to sell the STC. You must provide them with the name and address of the transferee and the date the proposed transfer is to occur.
Note: An FAA STC can only be transferred (and reissued) to a person or company outside the U.S. if there is a bilateral agreement in place with that country and the bilateral agreement includes provisions for transferring STCs.
Your STC was issued by the Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office ACE-115A. You should contact them for specific guidance. Their telephone number is 1-404-474-5500. They should also have copies of your application, approval and ownership documents.