by William C Gratriex
(Susanville Ca. USA)
I sold my aircraft to a dealer. He is holding the bill of sale until he finds a buyer. This could be a long time. I would like to take my name off the registration. What can I do?
ANSWER: If you sold your aircraft to someone (a dealer or other person) and you have executed a bill of sale then you are no longer the owner.
If you are concerned about liabilities (as I assume you would be) then you can send a note to (or call) the FAA Aircraft Registry in Oklahoma City requesting that you be removed as the registered owner of record.
Under the requirements of FAR 43.7(b)(1), the aircraft cannot legally be flown until the new owner registers it, or the dealer performs demonstration flights for prospective buyers under his dealer’s registration certificate, if he has one.
You can contact the FAA Aircraft Registry at the following:
FAA Aircraft Registration Branch, AFS-750
P.O. Box 25504
Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0504
Tel: (866) 762-9434 or (405) 954-3116
Available Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Central Time