by Don
(Tucson AZ. USA)
I have the opportunity to buy, disassemble and ship a 2-4 place U.S. reigistered aircraft to Australia.
What is the proceedure for export, if needed?
ANSWER: There is no FAA requirement to obtain an export certificate of airworthiness when shipping an aircraft to another country. If the importing country requires an export certificate of airworthiness, then there are procedures for its issuance. Those procedures are outlined in the export certification section of this website.
Can an Australian pilot fly the plane?
ANSWER: If the aircraft is registered in the U.S. an Australian licensed pilot counld not fly the aircraft without a special endorsement from the FAA.
Can an Australian techician maintain the airplane?
ANSWER If the aircraft is registered in the U.S. an Australian licensed mechanic cannot maintain the aircraft, unless they also hold an FAA A & P certificate, or they are supervised by an FAA A & P.
Can a certified U.S. IA perform maintainece on an Australian registered Aircraft in Australia?
Can an Australian certified pilot/mechanic fly and maintain aircraft in the US.
ANSWER: U.S. registered aircraft – No, they need U.S. certificates. Australian registered aircaft – Yes, under the rules of ICAO and FAA.
Does it cost alot to bring the plane into Australia on a boat?
ANSWER: I have never shipped an airplane to Australia, so I couldn’t tell you how much it costs. I typed “shipping aircraft by boat” into Google and this website appeared:
Maybe they can help you.